Friday, August 26, 2011


Applicant XXX

Name: Yu Minhong
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 01/01/1977
Address: P.O.Box 100, XXX Univ. Post Office, Beijing 100080, P. R. China
Telephone +86-10-62666666
Citizenship: People’s Republic of China

1993.9 – 1996.7 I enrolled in the Special Class for Gifted Children at XXX Univ. I graduated from the Department of Electronic Engineering with a Bachelor of Eng. Degree.
1996.9 – present I am a Master Graduate student specialized in Condensed Matter Physics at the Department of Physics, XXX Univ. Master of Science degree expected in June 1999.

MOST IMPORTANT ACADEMIC HONORS ( most recent first, not a full list)
◆ Special Graduate Scholarship for Research, XXX University, 1997-1998
◆ Honorable Mention of excellent research, the 9th Conference on XXX, Oct. 1998.
◆ Most Outstanding Graduate of XXX Univ., 1996. (the highest honors, Top 1%)
◆ Excellent Bachelor Degree Dissertation, Dissertation Evaluation Committee of XXX Univ., Jul. 1996. (awarded to top 5% dissertations)
◆ Honorable Mention of excellent researches, the 12th Chinese National Laser Conference, by Chinese Optical Society, Jun. 1996.
◆ Huawei Prize for excellent undergraduate students, 1995.
◆ Received an interview granted to 15 most excellent university students, by Vice Premier Li Lanqing, State Council of P. R. China, 1995.
◆ Fellowship for Gifted Students, XXX Univ., 1993-1996.

TOEFL 630(62/62/65) TWE 4.5 Oct. 1997
GRE V 630 (91%) Q 800 (99%) AWA 5.0 Oct. 1996
GRE Subject 940 (94%) Physics Nov. 1997
IMPORTANT PROJECTS I PARTICIPATED IN (sponsors listed in parentheses)
◆ 1997, 1998, Microscopic material design of Nanoscale Materials (Chinese National Science Foundation, National High Technology Development Program, China). I studied both theoretically and experimentally properties of nanoscale materials.
◆ 1997, Research on electronics design for Integrated Circuits and fabrication techniques (Chinese National Ministry of Electronics Industry). The design work that I contributed to has turned into communication products now widely used in China.
◆ 1996, High-power CO2 laser interaction with solids (Chinese National High Technology Development Program). The techniques I found have been applied in actual production.

LIST OF MY PUBLICATIONS ( research in progress not included)
1. XXX, Wang Zi, and Advisor, 1999 (to be submitted).
2. XXX, Huo Yu, Advisor, and Xing jia, XXX Express (to be published).
3. XXX, with Zhan Gan, the 9th International Symposium on Physics, 1998. (will appear on the Journal of Materials Science and Technology)
4. XXX, with Advisor, Biennial Conference of Chinese Materials Society, 1998.
5. XXX, Bachelor Degree Dissertation, XXX Univ. press 1996.
6. Luo Zhen, XXX, ’96 Chinese National Laser Conference, 1996.

Institution or employer Position Date Type of work or research
Dept. of Physics, XXX Univ. Research Assistant Sep. 97
-Jun. 99 Experimental Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
Dept. of Physics, XXX Univ. Teaching Assistant Sep. 97
-Jun. 98 Teaching: answering undergraduate students’ questions, grading
Dept. of Electrical Eng., XXX Univ. Research Assistant Sep. 97
-Jun. 99 System Science, Experimental Electronics Research
Huawei Tech. Co. Ltd., Shenzhen, China Assistant Engineer Summer 95&97 Research in Electronics Design and Fabrication in Integrated Circuits
National Integrated Optics Laboratory Research Trainee Apr. 97
-Jun. 97 Optoelectronics Experiments
Physics Society, XXX Univ. Assistant to Chair Feb. 97
-Jan. 99 Arranging Physics Lectures held at XXX University

I am a member of the Optics Society and Electronics Society of Beijing, China. My native language is Chinese. I can read, write and speak English fluently. I can read Japanese and German journals. I can speak Japanese and talk with Japanese scholars. I am very familiar with numerical recipes like Monte carlo and ab initio, and good at computer programming in C/C++/Visual C++, Fortran, Delphi, Java/CGI, etc. I am a good swimmer and mountaineer.


出国留学申请攻略--Cover Letter示例



The following materials are enclosed in this package:
◆ Application Forms
◆ Personal Statement
◆ Resume
◆ Three letters of Recommendation
◆ Official Transcripts from XXX University
◆ Portfolio [if required]
◆ Unofficial copy of GRE Score Report
◆ Request for waiver or deferment of Application Fee [if you decide to pay the Application Fee, do not include this.]
(* The Required Official Score Reports for Toefl and GRE will be sent from ETS as soon as available.)[if your score report would be sent in advance, this sentence is not needed.]

* After you have received this package, please notice me its arrival and, if
happened, any material missing, through E-mail at:
thank you for your kindly help.


Dear Sir or Madam:

I am so sorry that I have not the capability to pay the application fee in recent 4 months. The reasons are as following:

1. Currently the exchange rate between US$ and RMB is very high:
8.3 RMB = $ 1.00
2. I am an undergraduate student and have no salary.
3. The strict limitation in our nation to obtain foreign currency, at least in near future.

I am a diligent student. I have taken GRE and TOEFL on June, 2004, and my score is ___. My undergraduate GPA belongs to upper 5% of 180 students in XXX University. I sincerely hope you can consider my situation and review my application.

Your kind considerations are highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Nov. 30, 1996
Office of Admission
College of XXX, Illinois Institute of Technology
S.R.Crown Hall
3360 S. State St
Chicago, IL 60616-3793 USA

Dear Sir / Madam:

I am an applicant of the College of XXX. I am here requesting the waiver or deferment of paying the application fee. Please consider my following reasons.

First and the most important reason is that I can’t afford it.
I became self-dependent after graduating from high school when I was 18 years old. During my subsequently pursuing for bachelor and master’s degree at XXX University, my average income was:
RMB 200 ( from University per month ), as official exchange rate 1 US$=8.3RMB, it was about $24 a month.
Normal expense:
Food: RMB250
Books, clothes and other daily necessities: RMB100
You can see that my income was far less than the expense, so I had to borrow money from my parents to sustain my study, but they are debts, not contributions.

Another important reason is:
In our country -- P. R. China, free exchange between official currency RMB and US Dollars is strictly limited. One can exchange limited amount of dollars only after he’s got admission from U.S universities and received his passport. Therefore, those who want to apply for the American university should endeavor to acquire dollars through unofficial channels, which would be considered criminal, and meanwhile, they are under the risk of being defrauded. I am now trying to acquire dollars needed through legal channels. To meet the deadline of application, there must be a time interval between submitting the application materials and paying the application fee.
I wish you could consider my request, and review my application first. I am very clear about my responsibility and sure to pay the application fee for your hard work in processing my application if you think the fee can’t be waived under my circumstances. If you would have any question about my information, please contact me through
E-mail at:

Your kindly consideration and help will be greatly appreciated.

Yours Sincerely


Dear Professor ####:
  I am very sorry to bother you and send this e-mail, but I really wish to
contact you. I am a graduate student majoring in Condensed Matter Physics T
heory in the Department of Physics, Beijing University (Beijing). I wish to
pursue a doctoral degree in Physics at your University. My desired date of e
ntrance is Fall, 2000. I have visited the homepage of the "Laboratory for Na
notech". I am writing this letter to you to introduce myself and query about
the graduate programs at NCCNM. Thank you very much for reading this email.

  Born on SEP 10, 1979, I entered Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology
(HUST) when I was 15 years old. I finished the four-year undergraduate prog
ram in three years and achieved my degree of B. Eng. (Optoelectronic Enginee
ring) in June 1997 with the honor of "Outstanding Graduate". Then, I was adm
itted to the Graduate School of Beijing University at the Department of Phys
ics. I will obtain my degree of M. S. (Physics) in June 2000. I have done mu
ch research work on the topics of mesoscopic physics, such as carbon nanotub
es, persistent currents, Aharonov-Bohm geometric phase effects, electronic t
ransport phenomena, etc. Such modern research topics attract me very much in
that they are associated with both Condensed-Matter Physics and microelectr
onics, respectively my detail majors for M. S. and B. Eng.
  I wish to say that I am indeed interested in the graduate programs at Ph
ysics Dept. of Princeton University, and I eagerly wish that I can join your
research group. As I have also strong research interests on carbon nanotube
s, I do believe that the doctorate-oriented study under your direction will
be of great help to me. I wonder, however, whether you do theoretical or exp
erimental research works? I wish to state that, although my current research
topics on carbon nanotubes are theoretical, I can also do experimental rese
arch works, especially optical studies, due to my undergraduate major in Opt
ics. I hope my solid background in both physics and engineering can meet you
r general requirements of entrance to Physics Department as a graduate with
financial supports. I deem it a great honor to become a graduate of Princeto
n, if admitted.
  Would you please consider my application and tell me whether it is possi
ble for me to be enrolled as your graduate with financial supports? Thank yo
u very much for your kind assistance. I am looking forward to receiving your
  My current address is:
Building 38-201
Beijing University
Beijing 100080
People's Republic of China
                               Yours Sincerel
Dear ######:
  Thank you for the email and your interest in our research program.
  I am very intersted in your application and would like to hear more. Are
you interested in Fall 2000 or fall 2001? Certianly for 2001 there should b
e no problem getting research support, provided that your test scores, grade
s, etc. are acceptable to the university. For 2000, it would be a little tou
gher because of the short notice, but might be arranged under special circum
  You asked about the nature of research here. In the laboratory, students
generally couple calculations with experiment. We specialize in spectroscop
ic determinations of transport and electronic structure using scanning probe
s (STM and NSOM). To gain a detailed understanding of this, ab initio calcul
ations must be compared with data. We have worked closely with J-C Charlier
in Belgium, A. Rubio in Spain, and X. Blase in France using a variety of the
oretical techniques including tight binding for structural information and L
DA of DFT for electronics calcs.
  Our tunneling microscope is a low temperature Besoke design copied from
the Julich group. We are capable of running at LHe temperatures for good ene
rgy resolution. We are in the process of constructing a near-field scanning
optical microscope and a photon scanning tunneling microscope. These two new
instruments should be on line around Dec.
  Our group focus is to understand the quantum dynamics and optical respon
se of individual nano-systems like carbon nanotubes, B-doped nanotubes and f
illed nanotubes. Look for our latest publications coming out in the next mon
ths in PRL, JMR, and Advanced Materials. The entire group will also be at th
e MRS meeting in Boston.
  We would be pleased to consider your application for this year or next.
Professor of Physics
Princeton University
Dear Professor #######:
  Thank you very much for your kind reply. I am sorry that during the summ
er vacation I cannot read and reply your email in time.
  As stated in my first letter, my desired entrance date is in Fall of 200
0. And I would like to provide my test scores. My TOEFL test score is 647 (O
ct. 1997) with a TWE score of 5.0. My GRE test score is 2340 (Oct. 1996, V77
0 M800 A770). My GRE Subject score is 920 (Oct. 1998, Physics). And I will t
ake the TSE test in the coming August. And my undergraduate and graduate GPA
are both about 3.5 in 4.0, about top 10%-20% in my class.
  I wish to make a note that during my undergraduate study I was quite you
ng, and during my graduate study I take many efforts to study the basic cour
ses in Physics by myself, which may be the reason my GPAs are not in the top
5%. But now I believe that I have been quite familiar in the knowledges of
Physics, both the courses and the researches. So I hope that my test scores
and grades are acceptable to Priceton with financial supports.
  As to the research, I am very glad to learn the research background you
provided in your letter. I am quite familiar with the works of X. Blase publ
ished in PRL and APL. I also know that J-C Charlier is a famous specialist i
n this field. So perhaps I could do theoretical research works in your group
. Also, I am very glad to know that you have the needed main instruments for
carbon nanotubes in your group, so that both theoretical and experimental w
orks can be done.
  I am puzzled at the "MRS meeting in Boston" you mentioned in your letter
. What is the full-name of MRS? Is it a meeting specialized in nano-systems?
I do research works on carbon nanotubes almost totally by myself, and perha
ps are not familiar with such fixed terms. Would you please explain the cont
ents of this meeting? Thanks. And you mentioned that your latest publication
s will come out in next months in PRL. Would you please send me the page num
ber of this paper in PRL, and if possible, the full text of this paper? The
journal PRL reaches to China very late, usually several months to half a yea
r after published, and I don't have the account to find the full-texts of PR
L on-line.
  I am looking forward to receiving your warmhearted reply.
                                 Yours sincer
Dear #######:
  Thank you again for your email. From the sounds of your scores and grade
s, you should have no problem entering Princeton. I am quite familiar with t
he program that you are in and have had several close friends that have been
there at Beijing University. In fact, ####### was in graduate school with m
e and she was in the accelerated program. She has done extremely well in the
U.S. and after graduation went on to do some first rate science at a univer
sity in California.
  Since 2001 is your target date, I can begin to arrange funding for a res
earch assistantship for you. These are nicer than teaching assistantships be
cause they allow you to focus only on your research. Naturally, you will not
be obligated to accept should you find other options. However, I believe th
at you will be most welcomed here in my group.
  You had asked about some of my publications, if you send me your address
I can send preprints. They may take some time to get to China. You can find
some of our work listed on our web site under my cv. This is an incomplete
list but the PRL of last year is there and the latest hasnt yet been release
d from the publishers.
  We have been doing some interesting things lately with topological defec
ts on tube manifolds that you might like. We have recently imaged nanotubes
which exhibit a change in chirality along the tube! Tunneling spectra show t
hat this produces subtle changes in the LDOS as predicted in some of X. Blas
e's work. We have also begun optical studies on individual nanotubes using n
ear-field scanning optical microscopy and spectroscopy. We are particualry i
nterested in how the surface plasmon resonances (governed by tube topology)
effects the third order nonlinear susceptability in these objects.
  Thank you again for your interest in our group. May I suggest that we ke
ep in contact over the year. Let me know your progress and I will try to hel
p with the application procedures should you decide to join us.
Dave Carroll


写这个东西的目的有两个,一是BBS上很少有有关光学申请的文章. 二是觉得申请对个人

本科, 科大物理系光学专业.
GPA:3.75, 专业:3.77
Research Exp: 基本无,实验室打零工大半年
T: 657/5
G: 610/800/5
Sub: 930

申请方向: Photonics/Optics/Optoelectronics

Level 0: Arizona, Rochester, Central Florida
Level 1: Michigan, Dayton, UCSD, USC, U. of Southampton (U.K.),
UIUC, Lehigh, Colorado, Cornell
Level 2: Univ of New Mexico, North Carolina at Charlotte, University of
Alabama at Huntsville
2 offers (TA@New Mexico TA@UNC,Charlotte)
3 ads(Lehigh, Michigan, Southampton)
1 wl (Central Florida)
最后去University of New Mexico at Albuquerque

科大物理系光学专业一般申请凝聚态或光学中非常偏理论的专业(量子通信类,AMO). 很
少有申请Photonics, Optoelectronics的.(23系6系倒多些) 因为申请时消息闭塞,"误走
"了一条less travelled的路. 申请结果自己不甚满意,但其中或多或少有些所得,写出来

光子晶体计算等. 自己对偏工的方向也比较感兴趣. 于是,没多考虑往届的情况就决定申

※ 来源:·瀚海星云·[FROM:]

本文: [转寄][转贴][删除][修改][回复] [ 作者:atOmpLoyD][ 人气:161 ]
发信人: atOmpLoyD (Mr.芥末), 信区: AdvancedEdu
标 题: 光学申请 - 选校(1)
发信站: 瀚海星云 (2005年07月03日17:06:04 星期天), 站内信件

选校是难题. 除了三大光学中心之外(Arizona, Rochester, Central Florida),做光学
的教授可能在Physics,也可能在EE. 一般在EE的多些,在物理系的也大多集中于Laser,
Nonlinear, Quantum Optics. 有些学校虽然没有独立的光学院,但有Physics和EE合办的
,针对Optics的Program. 这些Program往往通过Physics和EE都能申请.

还有一点,光学选校应该主要看专业排名. 像Central Florida综合排200多,但人家光学
牛B得一塌糊涂. 还有Dayton,小学校,综合100以外. 但它Electro-Optics Center的主任
Joseph Haus是光子晶体领域绝对的牛人. 相反一些综合很牛的学校,Columbia,Yale,UIU

以下是一个光学选校指导. 为转载

发信人: Opto (流氓猴子@floater), 信区: Oversea
标 题: 美国主要光学研究机构 发信站: 飘渺水云间 (Tue Oct 8 13:58:00 2002),


最近老有人的问这个东东,贴一个。不一定完整,只是个人申请时整理的, 如有问题

U of Arizona Optical Sciencs Center
U of Rochester Inst. of Optics
U of Central Florida School of Optics
U of Dayton Electro-optics Center
U of Alabama Applied Optics Center
U of Michigan Center for Ultrofast Optics
U of Tufts Electro-optics Center
U of Louisville Electro-optics and Nanotechnoloy Center
U of Iowa Optical Science & Tech Center
U of Oregan Oregan Center for Optics
Boston U Photonics Center
Rochester Inst. of Technoloy Image Research Center
Kent State U Liquid Cystal Inst.
UC Berkeley School of Optometry
U of Indiana School of Optometry
Ohio State U School of Optometry
U of Houston College of Optometry
Johns Hopkins U ?? Eye Research Inst.
Oklahoma State U Center for Laser&Photonics
Northwestern U EE
Princeton EE
Stanford ECE&Physics
Penn State U EE
U of Texas,Dallas ECE
U of New Mexico Physics/EE
New Mexico State U EE/Physics
Oregon State U Physics
Arizona State U EE
Wright State U CS
U of Colorado, Boulder EE/Physics
UC,Davis ECE
U of Connitticcut EE/Physics

我个人对这个list是比较赞同的. 选校时各大BBS逛了一圈也没找到个像样的光学排名,
蛮痛苦的. 但最后申的学校大多还都在这个list里面.


Optical Science Center@UA. 实力没什么好说的,各个分支都比较强.这个学校的物理给
科大很多Offer,但OSC基本不招大陆学生. 12.1日截至,小米说一般是250个人里面选50个
(包括没funding). 应该是很有钱,不知为什么对大陆学生没好感. 二月初就给我据信.
近几年招的为数不多的大陆学生好像全是清华光电中心的研究生(As far as i know, 今
年有一个). 申请费50刀.

Institute of Optics@Rochester 我感觉是三大里面最强者,光学院历史悠久,大批牛人.
对大陆学生的态度也算是三大里面相对较友好的,每年都有人去. 去年有一个6系本科生
去,今年有上光的研究生去,科大好像也有一个. 它不要申请费,因此竞争还是非常非常激

CREOL@UCF 这个学校除了光学之外都不怎样. 光学院有强烈上升的趋势,在不断从各个地
方挖人. 比如Wolf现在就在这个学校. 方向很全,似乎液晶尤其强. 招生情况,据说每年
留两个名额给大陆的学生. 浙江大学比较有优势,因为它们学校有几个在那儿做Faculty,
比较喜欢浙大光电系的学生. 今年我所知道的给大陆的offer就是被浙大混合班的一个牛
mm拿到,结果她还据了UCF去了UCLA念Master. 我在wl较后的位置... 申请费30刀

※ 来源:·瀚海星云·[FROM:]

本文: [转寄][转贴][删除][修改][回复] [ 作者:atOmpLoyD][ 人气:127 ]
发信人: atOmpLoyD (Mr.芥末), 信区: AdvancedEdu
标 题: 光学申请 - 选校(2)
发信站: 瀚海星云 (2005年07月03日17:06:06 星期天), 站内信件

ECE@Michigan 这个学校2月初就给我Ad,本来很高兴,希望能套到钱. 结果最后听说ECE全
面没米...只给第二年学生RA,第一年只有fellowship/TA, 因此名额很少. 里面有Optics
的方向,Integrated Optics, Nano-Optics还蛮强的. 国内好像有不少人拿到光学的AD,

这两个是英国光电最强的学校. 南安普顿是全光放大器的诞生地. ee排名全英第一,Opto
electronic Research Center的名声也是响当当的. 很早就表示要我,但Funding是问题.
学生和外籍学生学费差额的奖学金),它会给你提供剩下的资助. 或者,它会提名中国的学
定的名额,但很少. ORC在2004年提名了两个中国学生去申请DHPA但都失败了,可见难度也
是不小的. DHPA出结果一般都在4.15之后. IC的Photonic应该也不错,可是这个学校一直

这两个加州学校是冲着地方好而申请的. USC的Willner组做光纤通讯很强,UCSD的ECE很
大且有不少做理论光学和应用光学的教授. 事实证明这两个学校都很难申请. UCSD到5月

New Meixco
这个学校二月底就给了我Offer. 它Optics项目是Physics和EE联合办的. 学生可以通过
两个系分别申请. 据说光学不差,ee排在前50,物理80多,但地方寒碜了些. Albuquerque
是一个没有绿色的城市. 想到这一点不禁背脊发寒...

非常小的学校,但光学很强,在Photonic Crystal和Nonlinear上尤其. 申请不容易,据说
一般给AD不给钱. 而且它一定要本科学位证明. 大四申请的本科生需要尽可能早的写ema
il给主任和小米说明情况. 免申请费的.

在夏洛特的北卡分校. 很小,在校学生才1000多. 光学一般,Adaptive Optics比较强. 在

Alabama at Huntsville
听浙大光电系的人说这个学校的光学也不错,它有独立的应用光学中心(Center For
Applied Optics). 当时选校的时候也考虑在内,但考虑到地方不好,学校又小(不是主校
区),而且种族歧视严重, 没付申请费就把材料递过去了. 结果6月份收到催费信... 浙大

Colorado 这个学校AMO很强,在科大也招了不少人. 做应用的一般在ee系. 另外,它有一个
interdisciplinary Program in Optical Science & Engineering. 是一个physics, ee

这些学校当时没敢申请. 后悔了,大家不妨试试. 而且后来我得到在美国的朋友的消息说
,Princeton有个科大过去做光学Faculty的教授打着灯笼找科大的申请者. 可惜可惜,
Information is power.

关于其他几个牛校, 以下转载一段浙大混合班rosielaw的评论(就是据了UCF去UCLA的那

了让人生完整,而UCLA就缘于不可名状的dream情结。后来意外地拿到她家的offer, 我

我未来的老板Optoelectronics Group的Prof Eli Yablonovitch,他是光子晶体的创始



MIT的Jeffrey Shapiro和Stanford的Jelena Vuckovic。
Jelena Vuckovic是光电子创始人Amon Yariv的学生,她做量子通信在全美绝对的top2,
世界绝对的top3,而且仅29岁,很PP! 她是一个Quantum MURI的director,带领两个量
第二个dream老板, 为了跟她,毅然拒掉了UTAustin的牛offer, 从了Stanford的ad.

前面那位Jeffrey Shapiro是我同学的第一个dream老板,想必更厉害,有兴趣的同学可

※ 修改:·atOmpLoyD 于 07月03日17:10:49·[FROM:]
※ 来源:·瀚海星云·[FROM:]

本文: [转寄][转贴][删除][修改][回复] [ 作者:SINGLE][ 人气:30 ]
发信人: SINGLE (我不做single已有好多年), 信区: AdvancedEdu
标 题: Re: 光学申请 - 选校(2)
发信站: 瀚海星云 (2005年07月03日17:44:08 星期天), 站内信件

【 在 atOmpLoyD (Mr.芥末) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: 光学申请 - 选校(2)
: 发信站: 瀚海星云 (2005年07月03日17:06:06 星期天), 站内信件
: ECE@Michigan 这个学校2月初就给我Ad,本来很高兴,希望能套到钱. 结果最后听说ECE全
: 面没米...只给第二年学生RA,第一年只有fellowship/TA, 因此名额很少. 里面有Optics
: 的方向,Integrated Optics, Nano-Optics还蛮强的. 国内好像有不少人拿到光学的AD,
: 最后似乎只有一个清华光电系的人拿到了TA.
: Soton/IC
: 这两个是英国光电最强的学校. 南安普顿是全光放大器的诞生地. ee排名全英第一,Opto
: electronic Research Center的名声也是响当当的. 很早就表示要我,但Funding是问题.
: 在英国读书要获得资助不太容易,ORC的态度是若可以为你申请到ORS(英国政府补足本土
: 学生和外籍学生学费差额的奖学金),它会给你提供剩下的资助. 或者,它会提名中国的学
: 生申请DHPA,这是2004年开始的全奖(拿到手有2w磅一年,注意是磅!),每个大学会分到固
: 定的名额,但很少. ORC在2004年提名了两个中国学生去申请DHPA但都失败了,可见难度也
: 是不小的. DHPA出结果一般都在4.15之后. IC的Photonic应该也不错,可是这个学校一直
: 没有理我...
: 这两个加州学校是冲着地方好而申请的. USC的Willner组做光纤通讯很强,UCSD的ECE很
: 大且有不少做理论光学和应用光学的教授. 事实证明这两个学校都很难申请. UCSD到5月
: 给我发了据信,而USC则是管理混乱完全不理人.今年据我所知有一个清华的去UCSD读Phot
: onics.
: New Meixco
: 这个学校二月底就给了我Offer. 它Optics项目是Physics和EE联合办的. 学生可以通过
: 两个系分别申请. 据说光学不差,ee排在前50,物理80多,但地方寒碜了些. Albuquerque
: 是一个没有绿色的城市. 想到这一点不禁背脊发寒...
: Dayton
: 非常小的学校,但光学很强,在Photonic Crystal和Nonlinear上尤其. 申请不容易,据说
: 一般给AD不给钱. 而且它一定要本科学位证明. 大四申请的本科生需要尽可能早的写ema
: il给主任和小米说明情况. 免申请费的.
: 在夏洛特的北卡分校. 很小,在校学生才1000多. 光学一般,Adaptive Optics比较强. 在
: 五月初给我TA,申请费55刀,且一定要正式成绩的.
: Alabama at Huntsville
: 听浙大光电系的人说这个学校的光学也不错,它有独立的应用光学中心(Center For
: Applied Optics). 当时选校的时候也考虑在内,但考虑到地方不好,学校又小(不是主校
: 区),而且种族歧视严重, 没付申请费就把材料递过去了. 结果6月份收到催费信... 浙大
: 今年有几个过去的.
: Colorado 这个学校AMO很强,在科大也招了不少人. 做应用的一般在ee系. 另外,它有一个
: interdisciplinary Program in Optical Science & Engineering. 是一个physics, ee
: 和chemistry三个系合办的项目,可惜只给美国学生资助.
: 供牛人参考的
: MIT/Princeton/Stanford/UCLA
: 这些学校当时没敢申请. 后悔了,大家不妨试试. 而且后来我得到在美国的朋友的消息说
: ,Princeton有个科大过去做光学Faculty的教授打着灯笼找科大的申请者. 可惜可惜,
: Information is power.
: 关于其他几个牛校, 以下转载一段浙大混合班rosielaw的评论(就是据了UCF去UCLA的那
: 个牛mm)
: "去年大家普遍都说加州没钱,我还是一冲动申请了加州两个大学,UCBerkeley纯粹是为
: 了让人生完整,而UCLA就缘于不可名状的dream情结。后来意外地拿到她家的offer, 我
: 就从了。
: 我未来的老板Optoelectronics Group的Prof Eli Yablonovitch,他是光子晶体的创始
: 人,两院院士。我一开始对于这些头衔没怎么在意,后来在准备电话面试过程中,看了
: 一些他的论文,特别是有篇关于他发现光子晶体的过程,读了之后对他敬佩不已。。。
: 除了无源光子晶体器件的研究,近几年他也和MIT在合作进行量子光学,量子通信的研究
: 。
: 说起量子光学,我还听说另外两个大牛:
: MIT的Jeffrey Shapiro和Stanford的Jelena Vuckovic。
: Jelena Vuckovic是光电子创始人Amon Yariv的学生,她做量子通信在全美绝对的top2,

: 世界绝对的top3,而且仅29岁,很PP! 她是一个Quantum MURI的director,带领两个量
: 子光学大牛,有一个据说还提名过诺贝尔奖的,很强。我一个哈工大的同学就把她视为
: 第二个dream老板, 为了跟她,毅然拒掉了UTAustin的牛offer, 从了Stanford的ad.
: 前面那位Jeffrey Shapiro是我同学的第一个dream老板,想必更厉害,有兴趣的同学可
: 以多了解一下。回到UCLA,从我个人经历来看,一般只要能拿到她家的ad,大多能有全
: 奖。我感觉在电话面试里面自己并没有表现得很突出,Eli只是问了一些常规的问题,我
: 先前看的论文还有准备的专业知识都没有用上,电话信号还时断时续的。结果还是被提
: 名了Fellowship。"
: --
: ※ 修改:·atOmpLoyD 于 07月03日17:10:49·[FROM:]
: ※ 来源:·瀚海星云·[FROM:]

本文: [转寄][转贴][删除][修改][回复] [ 作者:atOmpLoyD][ 人气:154 ]
发信人: atOmpLoyD (Mr.芥末), 信区: AdvancedEdu
标 题: 光学申请 - 总结
发信站: 瀚海星云 (2005年07月03日17:06:29 星期天), 站内信件

和纯光电系出身的申请者相比. 科大物理系光学专业的优势在于雄厚的理论基础. 很多
课题归根结底都是物理问题. 对学光学的人很关键的几门课应该是:固体物理,量子力学,

申请光学需要有科研经历的. 这一点,我觉得是自己的致命伤. 要套磁,特别是光学分在e
e系的情况. 要争取有面试. 因为光学研究很多是以大工程项目的形式,Project Manager
希望你一去就能干活. 实验室经历很重要.

另外,各位物理系没有确定PhD阶段要做什么的xdjm们还是别申光学出去了. 至少不要像
我一样一棵树上吊死. 凝聚态要好申请的多.或者申请AMO,比如Colorado的,Brown的. 以

说完了,8.8号就要踏上飞机去一个遍布着仙人掌和黄土坯的地方读光学了. 从申请时的
轻狂到申请后的失落与感伤,应该说这一年的经历改变了我很多. 希望自己的未来顺利,


5.不要空谈少数民族身份和 邮票尘?当然若有撼人故事则不同.


Rank/School Average assessment
score (5.0 = highest)
1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5.0
Stanford University (CA) 5.0
3. California Institute of Technology 4.9
4. Harvard University (MA) 4.8
Princeton University (NJ) 4.8
University of California–Berkeley 4.8
7. Cornell University (NY) 4.7
8. University of Chicago 4.6
University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 4.6
10. University of California–Santa Barbara 4.4
11. Columbia University (NY) 4.3
University of Texas–Austin 4.3
13. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor 4.2
Yale University (CT) 4.2
15. University of Maryland–College Park 4.1
16. University of California–Los Angeles 4.0
University of California–San Diego 4.0
University of Colorado–Boulder 4.0
University of Pennsylvania 4.0
University of Washington 4.0
University of Wisconsin–Madison 4.0
22. Johns Hopkins University (MD) 3.8
SUNY–Stony Brook 3.8
24. Ohio State University 3.7
Pennsylvania State University–University Park 3.7
Rutgers State University–New Brunswick (NJ) 3.7
27. Rice University (TX) 3.6
University of Minnesota–Twin Cities 3.6
29. Brown University (RI) 3.5
Carnegie Mellon University (PA) 3.5
Duke University (NC) 3.5
Michigan State University 3.5
Northwestern University (IL) 3.5
University of California–Irvine 3.5
35. Boston University 3.4
Georgia Institute of Technology 3.4
Indiana University–Bloomington 3.4
New York University 3.4
Purdue University–West Lafayette (IN) 3.4
University of Arizona 3.4
University of California–Davis 3.4
University of Florida 3.4
University of Rochester (NY) 3.4
University of Virginia 3.4
45. Florida State University 3.3
University of California–Santa Cruz 3.3
University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill 3.3
Washington University in St. Louis 3.3
49. Texas A&M University–College Station 3.2
50. Case Western Reserve University (OH) 3.1
CUNY Graduate School and University Center 3.1
University of Notre Dame (IN) 3.1
University of Pittsburgh 3.1
University of Southern California 3.1
55. Arizona State University 3.0
Dartmouth College (NH) 3.0
Iowa State University 3.0
North Carolina State University 3.0
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY) 3.0
University of Massachusetts–Amherst 3.0
University of Oregon 3.0
62. Brandeis University (MA) 2.9
College of William and Mary (VA) 2.9
University of Illinois–Chicago 2.9
University of Iowa 2.9
Vanderbilt University (TN) 2.9
67. Northeastern University (MA) 2.8
Syracuse University (NY) 2.8
University of California–Riverside 2.8
University of New Mexico 2.8
University of Tennessee–Knoxville 2.8
University of Utah 2.8
Virginia Tech 2.8
74. Boston College 2.7
Emory University (GA) 2.7
Louisiana State University–Baton Rouge 2.7
Tufts University (MA) 2.7
University of Connecticut 2.7
University of Delaware 2.7
University of Georgia 2.7
81. Colorado State University 2.6
University of Hawaii–Manoa 2.6
University of Kansas 2.6
University of Nebraska–Lincoln 2.6
85. Colorado School of Mines 2.5
Kansas State University 2.5
Ohio University 2.5
Oregon State University 2.5
University at Buffalo–SUNY 2.5
University of Houston 2.5
University of Missouri–Columbia 2.5
University of Oklahoma 2.5
University of South Carolina 2.5
Washington State University 2.5

出国留学攻略--[推荐转帖]牛人自述 : 谈谈美国的一些物理系



我的个人情况:Physics@Pku, undergraduate. GPA major: 3.92/4 (6/123). GPA overall: 3.85/4. GRE General: V: 580/80%, Q: 800/92%, W: 4.5/47%. GRE Physics: 990. TOEFL: 653 + 5.5. Paper: 2 SCI (one as 1st author). Research: 从大二下开始在龚旗煌老师组里做君政基金(光学理论);大三暑假以后转到近场光学实验。主要申请方向:1st, AMO. 2nd, Condensed Matter.

Berkeley物理系做AMO的几个教授的方向我挺喜欢。但好多年来只有去年招了一个北大物理的。所以我申请时一直在犹豫是不是要申它。最终碰运气的念头占了上风,花60刀买回了一封email据信:( 今年它仍然没给我们系offer,不过给了清华5个。排名靠前ddmm可以试试,但别抱太大希望。可以网申,其他材料(推荐信、成绩单等)都寄到系里。交了申请费都被据,所以,就别考虑逃费了。不过GT都是可以逃正式成绩的;当时Sub成绩出来以后我给希里小米发信问怎么办,回复说传真或者把扫描文件email过去都可以:) 另外,切记:推荐信表格要用物理系专用格式的!

Brown属于常青藤联盟声望不错,但无论物理排名还是综合排名都不高(20多名)。物理系,光学方面有个做liquid crystal的组还不错。另外有个得诺贝尔医学奖的在研究脑神经,实力挺强,我们系有个师兄在他组里。小米挺傲慢的,email response也慢,造成的后果是我withdraw申请2周后还是收到了它的offer! 我老老实实的交了申请费,也没听说有谁逃费,可能跟申请材料全部寄到研院有关吧. 同样的原因,GT也没法逃. G&T code: 3094. 对北大物理系还算可以,最近几年都发了offer.

Chicago物理系的研究方向比较传统,光学方向目前就2个教授在做而且没什么名气,所以我当时主申的是凝聚态。另外它主页上说目前在致力发展biophysics, "A new interdisciplinary research institute, called the Institute for Biophysical Dynamics, has been xxxxed at Chicago." 整个申请过程中Chicago给我的印象非常好,小米非常热情,专业方向、教授情况、GT要求...email总是当天回复(除了二月份系里做录取决定的那段时间问申请状态不回,大概是系里的制度吧)。在我提出withdraw申请后还发信对我的决定表示惋惜,并且告诉了我offer的细节。

申请Chicago物理比较麻烦。首先这个系到目前为止只能纸申,需要提前向系里发email索要申请材料——寄的很快大概一周就能收到,55$申请费不能免,而且只能用汇票支付。更变态的是它对申请者的硬件要求很高:T要求三个section都上60,GRE general没有明确要起但是小米说越高越好(我V 580她说够了),GRE Sub据说要到980。GPA要求也比较高,这次我们系拿到offer的几位同学排名都挺靠前的。当然,这么多硬性要求的好处就是:你达到了这些要求,拿offer的概率就会非常大:) 申请说明上说:7. GRE, Toefl official report to 1832, photocopies are welcome. 但是我还是寄了正式成绩。所有申请材料一起寄到系里。今年是2月底做的决定,平信寄出offer,事先没有email通知。

Chicago的治安一直名声不好,造成我们系的几个牛mm没敢申:( 另外,UChicago的经济系非常强。

Colorado (Boulder)物理系AMO方向的排名仅次于MIT(NO.3是Stanford)。2001年Nobel physics(BEC方向)得主之一Carl Wieman在这里工作。可以逃费申——不过要写哭穷信。我们几个申请的都逃费成功了:) 既然可以逃申请费,自然正式GT也就免了。而且最近两年都给了北大offer。所以,对AMO感兴趣的师弟师妹们别忘了申。

这所学校离著名的大峡谷非常近,但地方实在偏僻了些,适合一心搞研究的。另外,物理系小米从来没回过email。我withdraw后几天被告知申请材料全了,再withdraw一次后又过了2周被告知我被录取了(汗...),发email decline offer, 再次袅无音信。所以,寄出材料后就默默等待消息吧。

Columbia我申的是工程院的APAM(Applied Physics and Applied Math)。哥大的物理系因为Dr. TD Lee、君政基金而被大家熟知,我当时选校时的第一想法也是申其物理系(事实上01级出国的其他君政都申了物理),但细看主页上研究方向发现其研究偏理论,有几个做光学的、凝聚态的教授还是属于应物的。加之我给物理和应物的小米发email说了自己的兴趣,物理系的小米建议我申应物,而应物的小米很热情的说“Your qualifications sound impressive and I am sure there are a number of faculty members in the department who share your same field of interest”,所以最终申了应物。然而让我郁闷的是,12月中旬网申付费提交申请后,给告知大约2月中旬会email通知结果,于是我寒假在家里忐忑不安。但是一直等到二月底都没结果,nowwhy打电话问小米,被告知还要等上4周。我faint,随即将其withdraw. 现在已经4月初了,我们系其他申这个系的同学还是没收到消息。在这里祝他们好运!如果有耐心,可以申一下,从往年的情况看还是发offer的——北大物理系这2年没有,可能是在此之前大家都有了更好的offer吧。

申请费不能逃。GT也不能逃,虽然系里小米说faculty可以先用unofficial report审,但我却收到研院的email催正式成绩。GT都送到研院,G: 2111/0000, T: 2111/00。切记:工程院跟理学院的Institution code不同,别搞错了。

Dartmouth也是Ivy league的成员,但无论综合排名还是物理排名都让我想到一句话:“你还以为自己是水果啊”(kidding)。Anyway, 物理系量子信息、量子光学方向还是不错的,而且跟其他一些学校(Cornell, UIUC等)和一些国家实验室有合作项目。喜欢的AMO的同学可以申一下,它连续三年给北大发了offer,估计明年还会有。

学校虽小,脾气却大。没有网申系统,只能办闫薄⒅缴辍?5美元的申请费虽然不贵,但正式GT必须在审材料前寄到系里(G: 3351/0808, T: 3351/76). 这样实际费用就是45刀以上。小米回信极酷,问及材料是否齐了,回曰: GT未到。再问能否暂时用扫描文件代替,对曰“不行,别发附件自找麻烦”。跟Chicago或者Columbia的小米比,也算别有风味了... Duke被称为"南方的哈佛",近年来名气很不错。物理排名30左右,今年申的人非常多。AMO方面有Dan Gauthier在做量子光子学、量子电子学、物理生物系统非线性动力学。另有John E. Thomas研究光与物质的作用、原子冷却。Ultrafast Semiconductor Spectroscopy Lab的研究也跟AMO相关。

Duke并不是单纯按排名招人,排名太靠前的申请者往往会被overqualify. 这也是所比较傲慢的学校,系里小米回信不是很积极,研院的小米总是用自动回复敷衍。申请费、正式GT都不能逃(GT code: 5156),所有材料寄到研院。网申完成1-2周后研院后发email提醒你缺了什么申请材料,但是从那以后就不会再主动告诉你还缺什么,必须主动联系系里的小米。

GatechGeogia Institute of Technology. 一所以工科著名的大学,物理排名跟Duke, Rice差不多。AMO领域做得不错。尤其是BEC方向有Michael Chapman, Chandra Raman. 量子通信方向Alex Kuzmich水平也很强。不过申请费、正式GT(code5248,送到研院)都不能逃,而且所在的Georgia州比较保守,最终我没申它。

JHU申物理系人比较多,而且物理系光学和凝聚态都不是主要其强项,所以我申了EE。JHU的EE排20多名,光电子组有Frederic Davidson(Professor)在做光通信。系里网页上明确说“网申,不需要申请费”,GT也不需要正式成绩。今年系里有几个同学申了,但都没什么消息,可能是申请的人太多吧。排名不是很靠前、又公开声称可以逃费的学校往往如此。申请后期如果还有时间和精力的话,不妨一试;但不建议把精力耗在这上面。


Maryland物理排名13,nonlinear排名全美NO.1。AMO方面有做BEC的大牛William D. Phillips; Luis Orozco和Steve Rolston的量子光学、量子信息研究也很出色。所以当时毫不犹豫的申了。

申请费不能逃。网申结束时可以用国际信用卡付账,但是今年那个付费系统总是出问题连接不上。不过耐心等等,过几天没准什么时候就能用了。实在不行,也可以把信用卡号和个人信息传真过去,所以不用为没法交申请费担心:) 物理系审材料时GT可以用复印件代替,不过我还是送了正式成绩——因为没有师兄提醒。当然,还是那句话,申请费都交了,犯不着因为没有正式成绩丢掉offer. G: 5814/0808, T: 5814/76. 网申结束后过几天系里会发来email告诉你一个连结,用信里附的用户名、密码登陆可以查自己的申请材料是否齐全,缺了什么,很方便。不过在此之前要把研院网申的大部分内容再填一遍,有些麻烦。

还有个比较bt的要求是要把PS拆成Statement of experience和Statement of purpose两篇文章。不过物理系小米说不拆问题也不大。

MITAMO排名NO.1,实力超强;获2001年Nobel Physics的Ketteler在此工作。我心仪之。可是它很久没在北大招人,而且网申很麻烦。所以最终没申。MIT的物理,跟Harvard、Caltech、Berkeley的一样,同为北大物理人心中的痛。

Oregon物理排名50左右。Miriam Deutsch做光子晶体,Thomas W. Mossberg和Michael Raymer做量子光学。考虑到去年组里有师兄去了那里做量子光学,我决定以此校保底。2月1日我收到录取通知,这是我的第一个offer.


PSU被录取以后才交申请费,不用正式GT。AMO方向:Vincent H. Crespi光子晶体,Daniel J. Larson光信息存储,D. S. Weiss,K. M. O'Hara超冷原子研究多体问题。我早早的申了,又早早的withdraw了,对录取细节了解不多,有待xiaobaocliff补充。

Rice对这所学校,aidi已经说的挺详尽了。我就说说Physics和Applied Physics的区别吧。借用物理系教授Randy Hulet的email回复:The Applied Physics Program is a "program" rather than a "department", like the Department of Physics and Astronomy. The Applied Physics program is made up of faculty from several departements, including Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry, EE, and ME. If you are interested in working with a group that is connected to the Dept. of Physics andAstronomy, you can apply there. Otherwise, if you are interested in a group from a different department, you should choose Applied Physics. 这些话应该对选系有些帮助。Rice的Rice Quantum Institute,在纳米和AMO领域还是很有名气的。

RochesterRochester和Arizona 一样,是光学界的泰山北斗;当然,这本指它工程院的Optics系。其物理系本身以高能闻名。但是对物理出身打算学光学的同学来说,没有必要申光学系——竞争太激烈每年只录取两三个人;它的物理系跟光学系合作非常密切,很多光学系的教授在物理系兼职。这所学校前两年因为财政问题没怎么招人,今年开始招了。在指定日期前网申免申请费,不需要正式GT;加之地处纽约,以后打算做光学的同学没有理由不试试。

不过Rochester的网申系统很差,不能保存填好的内容,必须一口气填完、提交。建议师弟师妹们准备好所有要填的内容(包括PS),一次完成。所有材料寄到系里。网申页面上说材料齐了以后会发email通知,事实上我们几个申请的除了application decision再没收到它的email; 发信问问题也不回。

SUNY-SB高能著名。做光学的教授有:Emilio E. Mendez,Harold Metcalf,Tom Bergeman,Luis A. Orozco等人。今年3月初研院来北大面试了数、理、化、生等专业的申请者,我们系很多申物理的都拿到了面试。所有材料寄到系里,GT可以先用copy代替,code 2548.


如何能拿到UCSD的offer? 这个问题offers和sunnyheart更有发言权。



可以网申,但不比纸申简单多少。一来,网申后还有几张表格要手填。二来,其网申系统设计的不是很合理,最后一步确认网申完成时如果没有选择“用信用卡付费”,就再没有机会用信用卡付费。大约2-3周后还会收到研院讨费办公室寄来的带负责人亲笔签名的催费信:( 我当时就遇到这种情况,只好联系系里小米,请她帮我cancel过去的申请,然后我自己再重申一遍:(




没有光学division, 凝聚态方向跟光学相关的研究也不多,James Chelikowsky研究光和物质相互作用。Cheng-Cher Huang研究液晶薄膜。

USC地处LA的私立大学,物理排名40多,不高,但地处LA决定了它的热门。Anupam Madhudar做纳米光电子。AMO方向有Jack Feinberg (the fundamental properties of optical materials and invents optical devices), Martin Gundersen (Pulsed power physics, quantum electronics, and semiconductor devices and physics), Anthony F. J. Levi (the scaling of ultra-fast electronic and photonic devices, and the system-level integration of advanced optoelectronic technologies, manufacturing at the nanoscale, and the subject of Adaptive Quantum Design) 和 Maxim Ol'shanii (Berry's phase in atom-light interactions and dark-states-based laser cooling of atoms)。

我起初发email给graduate advisor问奖学金事宜,竟被告知可以把所有材料直接寄给他,不用申请费——网页上并没有这个说法。ddmm们申请时不妨也试一下。

UT-Austin物理专业排名13,地处德州,环境好、就业好、物价低,是很热门的学校。AMO和Condensed Matter都不错。如做飞秒光谱的Michael C. Downer,做BEC的Daniel J. Heinzen,做原子物理的John Keto,量子输运的Mark G. Raizen;做凝聚态理论的Qian Niu...

不过同是德州的学校,跟Rice相比,Austin给我印象却是傲慢——like J. W. Bush。申请过程中无论给系里还是研院发信,得到的回复不是aoto response,就是一两句话的敷衍塞责;即使是withdraw申请都没收到回复——我老老实实付了75刀申请费。不能逃费,亦不能逃正式GT(G,T code 6882)。推荐信、PS和GRE Sub寄到系里,而G General、T和正式成绩单则要寄到研院。这无形中增加了邮寄成本。我把G的General和Sub成绩合并后寄到了系里,研院的网申状态显示:GRE not received. 我把情况向研院说明请他们协助解决,收到的回复是'You do not have to send them to the department'。我随即向系里发email请小米把gre转给研院,却没有回复...没想到中国的踢皮球制度在这里会出现。所以,提醒ddmm们,直接把GT都寄到研院吧,而且越早越好,因为材料不全不审。

UW (at Seattle)物理专业排名16,地处华盛顿州西雅图(微软总部所在地),环境、就业都很好。原子物理还可以。

这是我申的最仓促的学校,因为它的deadline for international student是11月1日!我还记得当时跟Chamberlain, victorjj一起合寄UPS赶deadline的情景。那时我只是提交了网申,把成绩单、申请表等硬件寄到研院。直到11月底签好了3封推荐信、改好PS,才把剩余材料平信寄到系里。幸好这样做没出问题,而我也在2月底拿到了它的offer。但我要说的是,如果再让我选择的话,我绝不会为了meet deadline而匆匆忙忙的申这所学校。不过换个角度想,它把deadline定的比别的学校至少早一个月,给人一种紧迫感和物以稀为贵的感觉,确实吸引了不少申请者。


Virginia物理排名38,和Berkeley, UMich同属最好的公立大学。AMO方向有Louis A. Bloomfield,Olivier Pfister,Robert R. Jones和Cass Sackett Sackett等人。




No.1 可免申请费的学校
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Fri Sep 21 23:39:28 2001)
University of Utah
Yale University
California Institute of Tech
Case Western Reserve University
Carnegie Mellon University
Georgia Institute of Technology
New York University
Dartmouth College
(材料中明确说明考虑到 币兑换可能有困难,所以可免,太体贴了!!!)
Texas A&M University
University of Rochester
University of Southern California
Harvard University
Cornell University
University of Chicago
University of Washington(注意如果他们要你,会想方设法为你免费;如果他们不感兴趣,他们拒绝你的理由会是你没交申请费!)
( 请大家注意这个学校的免费方法具有特殊性,代表性。PENNY命名为校友关系制,只要你有熟人在这个学校工作,叫他给相关部门打个电话即可帮你免除。MIT认为校友为MIT 的建设出了贡献。还有很多学校有这种制度,一般都是超级名牌。)
University of California of Los Angles
University of Michigan
(哭穷后,对方通过默许表示可免, 但研究生院的催费信仍会寄到)
Johns Hopkins University
Syracuse University
Northeastern University
Iowa State University
(物理,生化,经济,数学可免,指录取后再交其他不详。研究生院解释为免费的系有一 套独立的申请系统,但大多数系不适用;要钱的系8周不交费销毁材料)
Baylor College of Medicine
University of Texas- Southwestern Medical Center
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Oregon state University.
Case Western Reserve University
University of Alabama-Birmingham
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of Tennessee-Memphis
(网上申请免费 )
University of Kentucky
(Penny收到了催费信,没有理会,却于一个月后接到录取和OFFER的电子邮件。 )
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Kansas State University
Wesleyan University
University of Pittsburgh
Ohio State University
University of Toledo
University of Memphis
Michigan State University(化学)
Oregon Graduate Institute
University of Nothern Colorado
Lumar University
Georgetown University(Biology)
University of Vanderbilt(Biology)
Tulane University(Biology)
Arizona State University
George Town University
如果申请MBA,可以免申请费,这是材料中明确说明的.该校为了吸引更多的中国学生就读 还为专门为中国学生准备了3种全奖.申请材料中另备有光盘一张.
Bowling Green State University
Rockfeller University
University of Waterloo
University of British Columbia
University of Alberta(Canada)
> 一.美国最安全的城市:
>   Rank City Score
>   1 Amherst,NY (80.45)
>   2 Thousand Oaks, CA (65.63)
>   3 Irvine, CA (60.54) (u of irvine)
>   4 Simi Valley, CA (59.67)
>   5 Sunnyvale, CA (58.28)
>   6 Virginia Beach, VA (50.89)
>   7 Livonia, MI (50.32)
>   8 Plano, TX (45.54)
>   9 Madison, WI (38.77) (u of wisconsin)
>   10 Mesquite, TX (37.20)
>   11 Boise, ID (36.31)
>   12 Santa Clarita, CA (35.08)
Molecular Biology or Genetics)。

**************************** 以下的学校或是不要申请费,或是在某一日期前不要(所以,收到的材料要看仔细呀), 或 是可以逃掉。
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine(apply on lin e) ,
CIT, Carnegie Mellon University , CWRU, Cornell University , Emory University ,F lorida State University ,Iowa State University ,Michigan State Universi ty ,New Yo rk University ,Penn State University(Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,apply on line) ,Rockefeller University ,SUNY-Stony Brook ,Texas A&M U niversity ,University
of Georgia ,University of Rochester ,University of Texas,Austin ,University of T exas,Southwestern Medical Center ,University of Utah ,University of Wisconsin-Mad ison ,Washington University
California Institute of Technology Johns Hopkins Univ. 药理 Washington Univ.
Baylor College of Medicine 网上申请免fee U. of Texas- Southwestern Medical Center Albert Einstein College of Medicine Univ. of Utah Univ. of Utah Orego n state Univ. 生物化学和细胞生物 Carnegie Mellon Univ. 网上申请(the only way ) Case Western Reserve Univ 生化 Univ. of Alabama-Birmingham 生化 Michigan S tate Univ. Univ. of Rochester (医学院) Ohio State Univ. (生物化学和生物物理)
Iowa State Univ.(生化,但是该系的表很难弄) Texas A & M Univ. (生物化学) Univ
. of Missouri-Columbia (生物化学) Univ. of Tennessee-Memphis(网上申请免费) U
niversity of Nebraska-Lincoln SUNY at Buffalo (医学院,要哭穷信) Kansas State
University (生物化学) Wesleyan University (生物化学)
New York Univ. ,Cornell Univ. ,Univ. of Wisconsin--Madison(被录后要求补交) ,
Univ. ,CMU ,UCLA ,UC--Berkeley , Dartmouth College , Geogia Institue of Tech
. , Tech. , Univ. of Texas at Austin , Johns Hopkins Univ. , Univ of Marylan
d--College Park ,
Washington Univ--St. Louis , Univ. of Washington , Univ of Rochester //befor e De c 15 , Iowa State //defer , Univ of Utah //defer , Caltech , UC, Irvine (不是 随便 免,须和教授陶瓷) , Univ of Chicago , Columbia , UPenn , Ohio S tate , Boston Uni v , SUNY, Buffalo , Univ of Iowa , Syracuse , Penn State / /波动较大,以前皆能 免, 今年不能 , CUNY SUNY, TAMU, Univ of Minnesota-Twi n City
MIT , Stanford , UIUC , Purdue(非常严) , Princeton , UMass, Amherst , Yale ,
Nor thwestern //要钱相当出名 , USC , UCSD, UCSB, UCSC, UCD, UCR //均为UC系统 的 , Duke
//要钱同样相当出名 , Univ of North Carolina, CH , Indiana , Univ of Pittsbur gh //Fee and official T&G , RPI , Vanderbilt , Washington Univ at St. Louis, VIP
Columbia, Cornell,CIT, Minnesota,Iowa State, , Penn State, USC, Utah, UNC- C hape l Hill, Notre Dame,UNF, CWRU,Oregon State , SUNY-Binghamton, Dartmouth, UIUC, Ohi o State, Southern Cal., U Arizona
T A&M, Maryland-CP, UC-Santa Barbara, Rutgers, Rice, Northwestern, Yale
科大网友附言:交申请费也是赌运气的事,很少有什么绝对的事, 除了Harvard, Berke
ley 这种酷的已经不care申请费的学校 再除了MIT, Princeton, SUNY这种不见鸭子不撒
鹰的主儿 其他学校都在可商量之列,一般催交申请费的概率与你的酷度成反比 所以就很
难说哪所学校你就一定能赖掉,或是别人能逃过, 你却一再收到"No fee, no process
ing, no exception"的小卡片 还有一种情况是研究生院和系里分开processing的,一般
你被require将材料分开寄 这种情况系里一般不管收钱,会审材料的,而研究生院会不
断charge你的fee 你要银子不够,可以delay交这种学校,但倘若有offer的话 你要银子不
够,可以delay交这种学校,但倘若有offer的话 泥还是得补上的,除非像偶一样碰到好心
教授替你垫了 不过这时候人高兴还来不及,就不会care补一点银子了 这样的学校一般
是public university, 像UIUC, UMN, UW-Madsion, UCLA,都是很不错的 学校 当然一般
说你交了钱和不交地位是不一样的 很多学校regard it is not only money issue, bu
t also 诚意 像Yale, Stanford, Cornell 都属此种, 交了fee无疑会solidate and s
trengthen your chance of admission 曾经有很多朋友问起过交不交fee的问题,今天
有些时间 就系统回答一下,当然也只是个人意见,不免有误,只供参考
California Institute of Technology , Case Western Reserve University , Penns
ylva nia State University , CMU , Georgia Institute of Technology , Texas A&
M Universi ty , University of Rochester (received before Dec. 15) , 这些都是
在材料里明说 不要 不要 申请费或可免可延的学校。 Harvard University(填一张Fee
Waiver Request Form,再 寄回 去) , Cornell University , Univ. of Chicago ,
Univ. of Washington , UCLA , Univ.
of Michigan , Johns Hopkins University , Purdue University , Indiana Univers
ity , CUNY-Brooklyn , Univ.of Southern California , Syracuse University , No
rtheaster n University
科大网友附言:Boston 很难逃的 Brown 交了钱又会催官方成绩,所以考虑好一起交,
否则就拖着吧 Utah 可以逃的 Indiana 没催我钱啊 Maryland 一点消息都没有给我,还
是得老老实实寄钱去么 //wuwu Leigh 要交钱 Yale 可以逃 Virginia 我也不知道啊 /
/sigh ,哪位大虾可逃过,也好省笔银子啊
总体说来,物理必须要交的不多,拣自己想去的学校交。有些催钱的学校 也许是根本不
好多学校的申请费是可以免的。但有些是绝对不可免的,如Stanford,UChicago, UIUC.
.. 而且如果你不交Fee,象UChicago,UIUC等学校根本不会向你催Fee, 只是 把你锯掉,
申请这种学校而不交fee,无疑是浪费申请材料。而有些催Fee的学校 最后却是可以免的
只要可以免fee的学校,一封哭穷信夹在Application 里即可搞定(AdvancedEdu版 前面
应该有哭穷信样本)。当然要注意,这种没有fee的appliction一定要寄到系里, 否则
会有灾难性后果(//sigh...) 按前30名逐个点评: 1. Caltech, Surely no fee. 2. H
arvard, A fee waivor form will be sent to you if you cannot afford. 3. MIT,
I just donno clearly whether any guys with no fee get the offer, but most of
my classmates paid the fee. 4. Princeton, No possibility to waive the fee.
5. Berkeley, Fee can be waived. 6. Stanford, No possibility to waive the fee
($90...) . 7. Cornell, Fee can be waived. 8. U Chicago, NO possibility to wa
ive the fee (Guys without the fee will receive the first depatch of declinat
ion letters). 9. UIUC, Fee cannot be waived (They said in March that applica
tions without fee haven’t been seen) 10. Columbia, Fee can be waived. 11. Y
ale, You’d better pay the fee. 12. UCSB, I haven’t heard any guy without f
ee received its offer. 13. UT-Austin, Fee can surely be waived. 14. Maryland
, Fee must be paid. 15. U Washington, Fee can be waived.(and no need to send
them the official T&G transcripts though they ask you for those. In fact, a
s far as I know, no school’s phys. dept. need surely official T&G transcrip
ts) 16. U Mich, Fee can be waived. 17. U. Wisc, If you donot pay the fee, yo
u will not have the chance of interview. 18. UCLA, Fee can be waived. 19. U
Penn, Fee can be waived. 20. Stony Brook, Fee can be waived. 21. UCSD, just
donno (But a classmate who gets its offer had paid the fee). 22. JHU, donno
a bit. (after I sent the application to them, I haven’t heard any informati
on from them) 23. Ohio Stae, donno. (The result of this school is very late.
.. They will inform you about the arrival of application in Mid-March!) 24.
CMU, Surely no fee. 25. Rochester, fee can be waived. 26. Rice, it was said(
by Ricers?) the fee cannot be waived this year e fee cannot be waived this y
ear though it can be waived before. 27. Purdue, fee can be waived. 28. North
western, applications without fee will surely not be considered. 29. Minneso
ta, donno.(Its preliminary application need official transcript!) 30. Arizon
a, fee can be waived. 另外,还有GaTech, PSU,CU-Boulder, Brown, Washington-S
t.Louis 等的Fee 可免。
U of Chicago, TAMU, U of Pittsburgh, SUNY-Binghamton, Florida State U., New
U.(数学系中的统计及OR专业), Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, Purdue(录取后补),
UCLA ,U Minnesota, Columbia, Iowa State, Michigan State, Rochester, UC-Sant
a Barbara 站长附言:我相信统计可免申请费的学校远不止这些,希望有人给我们提供
U Mich, UIUC(?), U. Wisconsin, Penn State, Northwestern, Ohio State, Rice, t
e, Northwestern, Ohio State, Rice, Duke,
Rutgers, Yale, Colorado Sate, Brown(应用数学), U Iowa, SUNY-Albany, George
Was hington U.
Case western Reserve University Columbia University University of California
, Los Angels University of Nebraska Lincoln Cornell University California In
stitute Technology University of Rochester University of Southern California
University of Alberta(Canada) City University of New York John Hopkins Univ
ersity Brown University UC, Berkley SUNY, Stony Brook. Univ. of Pitt. Univ.
of Pitt. Univ. of Delware. Havard. Purdue University Vanderbilt Univ. Univer
sity of Pennsylvania(据说有人免了,但多数人的都没有免) Syracuse Univ. 另外,
ME Princeton 和 Univ. of Michigan 可免.( 条件是你足够牛) ●ME几乎不给外国学
生奖学金的学校 Illinois Institute of Technology Old Dominion University Okla
homa State University
●ME肯定逃不掉申请费的学校 MIT UIUC University of Texas Austin Carnegie Mell
on University Rice University University of Maryland, College Park Universit
y of California, Irvine University of California,Davis University of Califor
nia, Santa Barbara Duke University University of Rhode Island George Washing
ton University University of Arizona Binghamton University University of Con
necticut University of Virginia Mcgill University(Cananda) Macmaster Univers
ity(Canada) Northwestern Univ.
New York University California Institute Technology Univ of California-Los A
ngeles University of Minnesota Cornell University University of Pennsylvania
Johns Hopkins University CUNY - Grad Sch & Univ Center Brandeis University
Brandeis University Duke University University of Southern California Georgi
a Institute of Technology University of Notre Dame University of Florida Tex
as A&M University University of California-Davis 以下应该不好免fee Princeton
University Brown University(?) Northwestern University Carnegie Mellon Univ
ersity Dartmouth College Univ of California-Santa Barbara
Caltech, Purdue, Rochester, Cornell, Misouri-Rolla(录取后交),Polytechnic
Univ ., Harvard(也许),Johns Hopkins, Northeastern(但要正式TG成绩),UCLA
(?), Carne gie Mellon,
U Mich, Princeton, T A&M, Northwestern, VT, Yale, UM-Amherst, George Washing
U Miami, Michgan State, Ohio State, Drexel
>   13 Ann Arbor, MI (33.85) (u of michigan)
>   14 Fort Collins, CO (32.77)
>   15 Huntington Beach, CA (32.08)
>   16 Lincoln, NE (31.71)
>   17 Lakewood, CO (29.72)
>   18 Green Bay, WI (28.47)
>   19 Fremont, CA (28.36)
>   20 Hampton, VA (27.66)
>   二.美国最危险的城市:
>   Rank City Score
>   1 Newark, NJ 414.43 (NJTU)
>   2 Atlanta, GA 334.44 (git)
>   3 St. Louis, MO 331.93 (washington u)
>   4 New Orleans, LA 300.91 (u of new orleans)
>   5 Detroit, MI 292.88
>   6 Baltimore, MD 292.44 (umbc)
>   7 Miami, FL 287.49 (u of miami)
>   8 Washington, DC 279.33 (geogetowm,geogeton)
>   9 Flint, MI 246.37
>   10 Birmingham, AL 226.83
>   11 Tampa, FL 226.08
>   12 Memphis, TN 222.78 (u of memphis)
>   13 Jackson, MS 219.14
>   14 Minneapolis, MN 207.51
>   15 Hartford, CT 216.51 (u of conecticut)
>   16 Richmond, VA 206.87
>   17 San Bernardino, CA 201.36
>   18 Baton Rouge, LA 200.34
>   19 Kansas City, MO 186.11
>   20 Cleveland, OH 183.66
真是好东东,我来转给大家,祝DDMM们offer 牛牛&多多,:))

发信人: hmwang (永远相信远方·永远相信梦想·Offer), 信区: Education
标 题: 可以不交申请费的学校列表(仅供参考)
发信站: 华南网木棉站 (Thu Feb 3 17:50:43 2000), 转信
University of Utah
Yale University
California Institute of Tech(该校不断进步,视金钱如粪土)
Case Western Reserve University(招生政策明确说明无须申请费,不用哭穷)
Carnegie Mellon University (无须申请费)
Georgia Institute of Technology (对方态度坚定,但若坚持不交,有可能成功)
New York University
Dartmouth College
Texas A&M University(可以录取后再交)
University of Rochester (能在每年12月15日前交到的申请免费)
University of Southern California
Harvard University(需要填写一张免费申请)
Cornell University (在乎人,不在乎申请费)(查机械系申请)
University of Chicago
University of Washington
University of California of Los Angles
University of Michigan(哭穷后,对方通过默许表示可免)
Johns Hopkins University(对方表示可以暂缓交费)
Syracuse University
Northeastern University
Iowa State University(物理,生化,经济,数学可免,其他不详。8周不交费销毁材
Baylor College of Medicine (网上申请免费)
University of Texas- Southwestern Medical Center
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Oregon state University. (生化和细胞生物,但要正式TOEFL成绩)
Case Western Reserve University
University of Alabama-Birmingham
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of Tennessee-Memphis(网上申请免费 )
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Kansas State University (生化)(查信息科学,计算机科学专业)
Wesleyan University (生化)
University of Pittsburgh
Ohio State University(大多专业可免)
University of Toledo(但要正式GRE,GMAT成绩入档)
University of Memphis
Michigan State University(化学)
Oregon Graduate Institute(先审交费的,再审未交的)
University of Nothern Colorado(先审交费的,再审未交的)
University of Waterloo
University of British Columbia
University of Alberta(Canada)

Brown University(交了钱又会催官方成绩)
Indiana University(行政人员少,办事效率较慢。如能免费,只可能是系里代交)
University of Maryland at College Park(60天不交费便销毁材料)
Leigh University
Duke University(原则性极强!决不让步)
Northwestern University
University of Iowa(态度强悍,在官方EMAIL中已尽现无遗)
Rutgers University(越早交费越好,生化随到随审;无费返回材料)
University of Florida
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute(奖学金尤其不易获得,并熟知中国申请者的手法,材
Washington University at St.Louis(查医学院申请)
University of South Carolina(三个月没钱销毁材料)
University of Denver(该校不要联系,因为最多的资助只有8000)
University of Arizona
South Methodist University
Drexel University
Brandeis University
Brandeis University
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of California at Santa Barbara
Northern Illnois University(无申请费当即返回材料,不包括成绩单和推荐信)




Dear Sir or Madam:

Before I submit my formal application to your esteemed Ph.D. program, I have several questions which need your kind reply. First, I am now a graduate student majoring in AAA, but my undergraduate major is not in AAA, thus my years of instruction in AAA is not very long. Yet I have learned, sometimes by myself, all the basic knowledge and many advanced knowledge in AAA (you may refer to my transcript). The GRE Subject Test is hold only once a year in China, and I have missed the deadline to register for the coming test. But I believe that I have been quite familiar in the knowledge of AA, both in the courses and the researches. I believe that should I have had the chance to take the GRE Subject Test, the score should be 990. would you please tell me whether it is possible to give me a waiver of my GRE Subject Test according to my superior AAA course scores? Thanks.

Next, since I am very young, I cannot work and don’t have any amount of funds in dollars available. Also, my parents are poor workers and I cannot arrange for me any fees. Your institution has the best graduate program that matches with my research interest, I wonder whether you can provide financial supports, and, if possible, waive or defer my application fee?

Thank you very much for you kind assistance. Please contact me if further information about me is required.

Sincerely yours,

Dear Mr. XXX:

I am an applicant at P. R. China. Due to my economic situation and the difficulties in changing RMB (our official currency) into US Dollars, I cannot submit the application fee in time. Could I defer my payment of the application fee for some time?

I am looking forward to your answer.

Sincerely yours,


Dear Sir or Madam:

I am an applicant of your Ph.D. program in AAA starting from Fall, 2005. I have mailed out my application on Nov.26 directly to you. Up to now however, I have not received from you any feedback yet. I understand that you do not provide an acknowledgement for applications.

Nevertheless, I have heard here many tragic stories about lost application packages: many students said that their application packages arrived in US with only an empty envelope, nothing left. As XXX University is the best university I wish to join, I am very afraid that my application experiences the same nightmare. So I wonder whether you can spend some time to check the current status of my application. Thank you very much.

My information:
Last Name: Yu First Name: Minhong
Date of Birth: Jan. 1, 2005

Looking forward to receive your kind reply,
Best wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Dear Prof. Yu Minhong:

I am a senior student at the Department of ___ of ___ University of China. I have visited your homepage on the internet and I am impressed by your program emphasis on ___. This is also my personal interest. I would like to do some research in ___. Since I am hoping to pursue a Ph.D degree in this field, I would like to know if there is a chance for me to further my study under you. If necessary, my advisor could send you a recommendation for me.

If you are interested in my detailed information, you can contact me by email.
My email address is ____

I will wait and appreciate your reply.

Sincerely yours,


Sample 1

Dear Professor XXX:

It has been a little while since I wrote to you last time. I have completed the application process, and I learned that my materials are now at the department for admission decision. I understand that perhaps you are not a member of the admission committee, yet I still wish you can take some time to review my sincere application, and consider my competence to be your student.

To my best knowledge, each Harvard physics graduate student has only one research advisor. My friends told me that it is more important to find a good advisor than to find a good university. It is based on my careful consideration that I believe you are one of the best advisors at Harvard’s physics department: for example, your articles about metal and other new materials emphasize not only the computation methods but also some very interesting theoretical ideas. I find that your research emphasizes both theoretical and computational works. I think my graduate research under your direction will be very enjoyable and tenable.

Also, I think my academic background might be qualified to be your student. I have had many new ideas in the area of materials physics. I will get my Master of Science degree this year with honors. In my doctoral study I wish to work with an active and authoritative professor, and develop my ideas as well as learn new ideas from him. Again I find that you are the right research advisor I wish to find.

My current advisor, who is the head of physics dept. at Peking Univ., strongly approves my doctoral graduate study plan. He told me that the strict training for Harvard graduate students will do me a lot of good. With the rese3arch knowledge learned from him, now I feel that I am well prepared for such strict training. I am willing to make great contribution to0 the knowledge of low-dimensional condensed matter physics during my graduate study. Ms. XXX told me that my recommendation letters are in my application files now.

I wonder whether you can consider my willing and youthful spirit, and accept me as your student. I know that you are very busy currently, yet I am quite embarrassed to ask you to review my application. Would you please tell me whether I am qualified to join your research group? Anyway I think it might be better to discuss the possibilities of being accepted by you before I am accepted by the esteemed Harvard Univ., if possible. Thank you for your kind reply in advance.
Best wishes,
Sample 2

Dear Professor XXX:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I am a graduate student at Peking Univ., Beijing China. I met you when you visited Beijing in 1997. I am very sorry to bother you by this mail. However, as I am very young, I wish to take doctoral study and make the best effort to win the Nobel Prize under your direction. I have sent my application for the Fall 1999 Applied Physics Ph.D. program to Stanford. I wonder whether you can consider my eager wish and accept me to join your group.

Born in 1978, I enrolled in the Special Class for Gifted Children (SCGC) in XXX University in 1993. I won the Top 1% honor “Outstanding Graduate”. Then I enrolled in Physics department at XXX University, and received extensive research training that made me much experienced. I will get the Master of Science degree in June 1999.

In the National Lab of Laser Technology and National Integrated Optics Lab in China, I have had much research experience in laser technology and optical physics, especially in quantum well optics, laser spectroscopy, high-power laser radiation and interaction with matter, optical fiber communication, optical waveguides, etc. In my Master graduate study, I happen to have been very familiar with the recent highlights in laser cooling and trapping of atoms, and laser spectroscopy. I have extensive knowledge in both optical physics and solid-state physics. I think my background and interest seem perfectly fit your research projects. It will be most helpful to my academic career if I can be your student.

In the coming new year, I wish I can have the chance to take doctoral study at Stanford under your direction. My Resume and Statement are ready to be sent to you. Would you please consider my sincere application and tell me whether I am qualified to be your student, if openings available? I would be happy to act on your advice. Thank you very much, I am looking forward to hearing from you.

May your Christmas be bright with happiness!
May peace and joy be with you in the new year!
Best wishes,


Dear Sir or Madam:

I am an undergraduate student in the Department of XXX, XXX University. I am very interested in the Ph.D. program in your institution, and I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in XXX major. My desired date of entrance is Fall, 2005.

I have taken Toefl Test(08/08/2005, 647) and will take GRE Test on Oct, 2005. I do believe that the doctorate-oriented study at your institution will be of great help to me. I hope my solid background can meet your requirements of entrance as a doctoral graduate.

Would you please send me the Application Forms, Financial Support Forms, the detailed introductions of faculty and research, and other relevant materials needed for application? Thank you very much for your kind assistance.

My mailing address is

My email address is

Yours sincerely

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am very sorry to trouble you, but I really need your help. I am a graduate student majoring in XXX major in the Department of XXX, XXX University. I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in XXX at your university. My desired date of entrance is Fall, 2005. I am writing this letter to introduce myself and request necessary materials about the application and financial supports.

Born on Jan. 1, 2000, I entered XXX University in 2001 and achieved my degree of B.S. in June, 2003. Due to my outstanding performance in undergraduate study, I was admitted to the Graduate School of XXX University at the Department of XXX without examination. I will obtain my degree of M.S in June, 2005.

I learn from my advisor, Professor Yu Minhong, that your university is one of the best universities in US and has a strong research background with many famous professors. I eagerly wish to continue my graduate study on XXX at your university. I have taken Toefl (08/08/2005, 647)and GRE General Test (Oct. 2004, V680/Q800/AWA5.5). I do believe that the doctorate-oriented study at your university will be of great help to me. I hope my solid background in XXX can meet your requirements of entrance to XXX department as a graduate with financial supports.

Would you please consider my application and send me the Application Forms, Financial Support Forms, the detailed introductions of faculty and research, and other relevant materials needed for application? Thank you very much for your kind assistance.

My mailing address is

My email address is

Yours sincerely

Dear Sir or Madam:

This is to request an application package for your Ph.D. program on ________ starting in the fall of 200X.

I am a junior student at the Department of ___ of ___ University of China, one of the nation’s leading institutes of higher education. In the past three years, I have been receiving systematic and comprehensive training in ___, and gradually I found that ___ is a challenging and attractive field that I want to make my career in.

I have heard the fame of your university for several years, and after checking into the Peterson’s Guide and other sources, I have found that your university offers the kind of graduate program that caters to my interests. It is therefore hoped that this letter will start me off in a process that will lead to my enrollment in your program next year.

Could you do me the favor to send me the Application Form, Financial Aid Form and other necessary materials? My mailing address is:

Your timely assistance will be greatly appreciated!

Yours sincerely


发信人: gterr (小林), 信区: AdvancedEdu
标 题: 教授想要从PS中寻找的6大关键特性
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Nov 20 09:29:01 2003), 转信

To a large degree, the particular graduate program you are applying to will di
ctate the content of a successful application essay. However, certain qualitie
s of these essays apply equally to all fields. Admissions committee members ar
e looking for interesting, insightful, revealing, and non-generic essays that
suggest you have successfully gone through a process of careful reflection and
self-examination. Your essay should offer a very thorough, probing, and analy
tical look at yourself and your objectives.

1、Insight Into Your Character ( 洞察你的个性特征)
When we say "non-generic" above, we mean a personal statement that only you co
uld have written, one that does not closely resemble what other applicants are
likely writing. You achieve this type of statement by being personal and anal
ytical. Don't waste space on superficial generalizations about your life. Inst
ead, give the reader specific, personal details so that he or she will be able
to understand your character and motivation. Then analyze those details in a
way that drives home clear, illuminating points.

2、Sincerity (真实)
Don't focus too heavily on what you think admissions officers want to see, at
the expense of conveying your own message in your unique way. Be yourself rath
er than pretending to be the "ideal" applicant. Inundated with countless clich
é-ridden essays, admissions committees respond very favorably to honesty. Don
't be afraid to reveal yourself. Admissions officers are interested in finding
out about who you are, and they appreciate candor.
Sincerity is important to stress because it's hard for most of us to achieve,
despite the fact that it seems so simple. The pressures and anxieties of the s
ituation have locked us into a mindset that prevents us from writing honestly.
Further, because we are not used to writing about ourselves and being so clos
e to the subject, we cannot assess the sincerity of our own writing. Thousands
of students every year will read this same advice, whether in a guidebook or
even in the application instructions themselves, but they simply will not be a
ble to put it into practice. If you can be one of the few who truly understand
what it means to be sincere, then you will already have separated yourself fr
om the pack in a crucial way.
You might question how a reader who doesn't know you can judge your statement'
s sincerity. The basis for judgment usually lies in the context your reader ha
s developed from reading hundreds or thousands of other essays. Assessing your
essay against others is one essential area in which we can offer a more criti
cal eye than your friends, relatives, or teachers who have not accumulated the
expertise specific to the personal statement. Moreover, our perspective in re
ading your essay is just as objective as your admissions reader's perspective
will be.

3、Background and Motivation (综合背景和学习动机)
Detail your interest in and exposure to your particular discipline in a though
tful way. You are aspiring to become a professional in your field; therefore,
you should express an interest in contributing something novel to it. Make cle
ar that you have a realistic perception of what this field entails. Refer to e
xperiences (work, research, etc.), classes, conversations with people in the f
ield, books you've read, seminars you've attended, or any other sources of spe
cific information about the career you want and why you're suited for it. Reme
mber not to make this a laundry list in which you rattle off impressive names
or theories. Any specific people or ideas you mention should be thoughtfully a
ddressed and seamlessly interwoven into the essay as a whole.

When you were applying to colleges, no one expected you to be certain about yo
ur future. At the graduate level, however, you need to demonstrate a more matu
re sense of what you want to do, and how the program you're applying to fits i
n with that intended path. Although admissions officers are well aware that pe
ople's goals will change, they at least want to see some sense of direction so
they can evaluate your self-awareness and commitment.
"I seek a sense of commitment, a sense of discipline, and a sense specifically
of what the student wants to do. I don't think it's advisable for anyone to w
rite that he or she just loves English literature and wants to read and write.
People have to know what field they want or are most likely to work in, or wh
at specific kinds of projects they want to pursue in a field."
-Graduate English Department, UCLA
"I think the main thing is to see whether the student is aware of and has thou
ght about the field to which he or she is applying."
-Graduate Engineering Program, California Institute of Technology

5、Attributes of the Program (专业特征)
Explain why the particular school's unique features attract you. Again, gradua
te study is much more focused than undergraduate work; it's not a time for unb
ounded exploration. For your own sake, you need to determine whether a specifi
c program meets your needs, and sharing what you discover with the schools can
show them why you're a good fit. Do the research necessary to find out what s
ets your choice apart from other universities or programs.
Do not, however, waste space on empty praise. For example, don't cite the "wor
ld-renowned faculty" and "diverse student body" as your main reasons, because
these are trite, obviously prepackaged points that you could say about any sch
ool. Instead, refer to specific courses or unique aspects of the curriculum, a
nd show an interest in specific clubs or organizations.
"You really have to let the admissions committee know what it is about this pr
ogram in particular that interests you."
-The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton Univ
"It helps for the student to have done some research on the university being a
pplied to. It is easy to differentiate an applicant who really wants to come h
ere because of our special resources from someone whose knowledge of the progr
am comes simply by way of the brochure we send to all interested applicants."
-Graduate English Department, UCLA

6、Writing Ability (写作能力)
Again, the importance of writing ability varies according to different program
s. A great flair for language will not get you admitted into a biochemistry pr
ogram, but it's still essential to demonstrate strong written communication sk
ills. On the other hand, you should also keep in mind that a well-written essa
y makes its points clearly and forcefully, so your content benefits as well.
Good writing means more than the ability to construct grammatical sentences. Y
ou also must create a coherent structure and ensure proper flow as the piece p
rogresses. Because the process of developing ideas and putting them down on pa
per is so intimate and personal, all writers end up needing editors to assess
the effectiveness of their product. You should consult people whose writing yo
u respect for advice or even more hands-on help.


2 Peabody Terrace, #902
Cambridge, MA 02138-6213
(617) 441-3999

Candidate for Master in Business Administration degree, June 2001. Member of Small Business & Entrepreneurship Club and HBS Volunteers. Selected by faculty to tutor students.

Masters of Science degree, magna cum laude, in Computer Science.

Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Mathematics.

Product Marketing Associate
(what have you done)Researched, designed, and proposed marketing program to target emerging distribution channel for local area networking and database products.
• (Result)Surveyed customers, potential distributors, and industry analysts to determine key success factors.•

Financial Analyst
(what have you done)Developed valuation analyses, performed due diligence, prepared offering memoranda, and analyzed strategic issues for companies in various industries.
• (Result )Represented leading baker/restaurant in potential acquisition of specialty coffee chain.•

Special Assistant to the Vice President
(what have you done)Assumed project management duties for rapidly growing manufacturer and marketer of high-quality children’s books, toys, and clothing.
• (Result)•

Business Analyst
Served on consulting client service teams. Diagnosed problems, conducted analyses, developed conclusions, and presented recommendations to senior client management.
• •

Intern. Title
(what have you done) Managed customer support programs.

community Consult Boston Children’s Museum to improve performance of retail operations.

personal Fluent in French. Enjoy long-distance running. Completed Boston Marathon in 1991 and 1995.