Friday, August 26, 2011


Applicant XXX

Name: Yu Minhong
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 01/01/1977
Address: P.O.Box 100, XXX Univ. Post Office, Beijing 100080, P. R. China
Telephone +86-10-62666666
Citizenship: People’s Republic of China

1993.9 – 1996.7 I enrolled in the Special Class for Gifted Children at XXX Univ. I graduated from the Department of Electronic Engineering with a Bachelor of Eng. Degree.
1996.9 – present I am a Master Graduate student specialized in Condensed Matter Physics at the Department of Physics, XXX Univ. Master of Science degree expected in June 1999.

MOST IMPORTANT ACADEMIC HONORS ( most recent first, not a full list)
◆ Special Graduate Scholarship for Research, XXX University, 1997-1998
◆ Honorable Mention of excellent research, the 9th Conference on XXX, Oct. 1998.
◆ Most Outstanding Graduate of XXX Univ., 1996. (the highest honors, Top 1%)
◆ Excellent Bachelor Degree Dissertation, Dissertation Evaluation Committee of XXX Univ., Jul. 1996. (awarded to top 5% dissertations)
◆ Honorable Mention of excellent researches, the 12th Chinese National Laser Conference, by Chinese Optical Society, Jun. 1996.
◆ Huawei Prize for excellent undergraduate students, 1995.
◆ Received an interview granted to 15 most excellent university students, by Vice Premier Li Lanqing, State Council of P. R. China, 1995.
◆ Fellowship for Gifted Students, XXX Univ., 1993-1996.

TOEFL 630(62/62/65) TWE 4.5 Oct. 1997
GRE V 630 (91%) Q 800 (99%) AWA 5.0 Oct. 1996
GRE Subject 940 (94%) Physics Nov. 1997
IMPORTANT PROJECTS I PARTICIPATED IN (sponsors listed in parentheses)
◆ 1997, 1998, Microscopic material design of Nanoscale Materials (Chinese National Science Foundation, National High Technology Development Program, China). I studied both theoretically and experimentally properties of nanoscale materials.
◆ 1997, Research on electronics design for Integrated Circuits and fabrication techniques (Chinese National Ministry of Electronics Industry). The design work that I contributed to has turned into communication products now widely used in China.
◆ 1996, High-power CO2 laser interaction with solids (Chinese National High Technology Development Program). The techniques I found have been applied in actual production.

LIST OF MY PUBLICATIONS ( research in progress not included)
1. XXX, Wang Zi, and Advisor, 1999 (to be submitted).
2. XXX, Huo Yu, Advisor, and Xing jia, XXX Express (to be published).
3. XXX, with Zhan Gan, the 9th International Symposium on Physics, 1998. (will appear on the Journal of Materials Science and Technology)
4. XXX, with Advisor, Biennial Conference of Chinese Materials Society, 1998.
5. XXX, Bachelor Degree Dissertation, XXX Univ. press 1996.
6. Luo Zhen, XXX, ’96 Chinese National Laser Conference, 1996.

Institution or employer Position Date Type of work or research
Dept. of Physics, XXX Univ. Research Assistant Sep. 97
-Jun. 99 Experimental Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science
Dept. of Physics, XXX Univ. Teaching Assistant Sep. 97
-Jun. 98 Teaching: answering undergraduate students’ questions, grading
Dept. of Electrical Eng., XXX Univ. Research Assistant Sep. 97
-Jun. 99 System Science, Experimental Electronics Research
Huawei Tech. Co. Ltd., Shenzhen, China Assistant Engineer Summer 95&97 Research in Electronics Design and Fabrication in Integrated Circuits
National Integrated Optics Laboratory Research Trainee Apr. 97
-Jun. 97 Optoelectronics Experiments
Physics Society, XXX Univ. Assistant to Chair Feb. 97
-Jan. 99 Arranging Physics Lectures held at XXX University

I am a member of the Optics Society and Electronics Society of Beijing, China. My native language is Chinese. I can read, write and speak English fluently. I can read Japanese and German journals. I can speak Japanese and talk with Japanese scholars. I am very familiar with numerical recipes like Monte carlo and ab initio, and good at computer programming in C/C++/Visual C++, Fortran, Delphi, Java/CGI, etc. I am a good swimmer and mountaineer.


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