Monday, September 26, 2011


Sample 6

The Graduate School
Cornell University
P.O. Box 305
Ithaca, NY 14851 - 0305, U.S.A

To the esteemed Graduate Admission Committee:

I deem it a great pleasure to recommend Mr. X, one of my favorite students, for admission into your graduate program.

The first time I knew him was on my class of "Fast Presentation with Pencil". When I had finished demonstration and asked the students to practice on their own, his drawing ability attracted me. He grasped the skill more quickly than the other 70 students in the class. In later practices and assignments, he often finished them within little time but with high quality.

His working efficiency was further proved by the work he did in our Architectural Design and Research Institute in 1994. As an assistant designer, he took part in the construction drawing of the XXX Residence Area of Higher Education Bureau. Since the requirements of the client were constantly changing, the drawings needed to be redrawn again and again (at that time, computer aided design was not widely used here ). He just accomplished them effectively and fulfilled the requirements in time.

In his undergraduate diploma design, the College of Science of XXX University, he showed great ability of design in depth and in detail. I remember in designing the exterior of the southwest part of the building, a brick decorative pattern was required. He studied the patterns on all of the old brick buildings in the campus and made a satisfying design which was highly appreciated by the professors later on. Cooperated with the equipment and electric engineers, he also made a distinguished interior design of the report hall.

So in my experience with Mr. X, I was impressed by his effective working manner and ability of design. I think he would be an excellent student in further studies. Therefore, I would like to support him firmly in his quest for more advanced studies in your program, and strongly recommend him to you without and reservation. I would greatly appreciate your favorable consideration of his application.

Yours Sincerely,

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